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June 02, 2006
MuNu Under Attack?
I'm still trying to track down what's happening, but most of the munu blogs are currently offline due to what appears to be a denial-of-service attack. We have two main servers, one (Kei) hosting the databases, forums, and a select few blogs (including this one), and the other (Yuri) hosting the majority of the blogs.
Yuri is currently seeing 40 to 50 times the normal amount of incoming traffic, and keeps locking up or crashing. Trying to fix this from the other side of the planet is not fun. So far I don't know where the traffic is coming from, or if it is in fact a deliberate attack as opposed to a network or hardware problem. The end result is the same, either way.
We haven't been hacked. All the files and databases are safe. Yuri is even up and running now - but we've had to disconnect it from the internet, which kind of defeats the purpose.
More news as it happens.
Update: The really fun part is that if I enable the network interface on Yuri to see if the attack is still going on, I have maybe thirty seconds to turn it off again before the server dies. Ugh.
I'm currently migrating blogs across to Kei, because that will at least work. Only problem is, this takes hours.
Update: Blogs are starting to come up on Kei now, but it will be a few hours before the job is complete and the DNS has updated. Bah.
Update: The fun never stops! While I was transferring accounts, we had a hardware failure and Kei crashed too.
Someone remind me why I do this.
posted by Pixy Misa at
06:58 PM
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