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Guess Who Defended Yellow Badeges For Religious Minorities? »
May 19, 2006
Don't Question Their Naziism: Iran Passes Law Making Jews Wear Yellow Badges
Update: Unconfirmed? See update at end.
And Christians will have to wear blue ones, and Zaroasterans red ones.
Meanwhile, all Muslims must wear virtually identical robes, so as to present a unified look for the return of the hidden 12th Imam.
Allah spits sarcasm at the new meme on the left-- that it's only "fearful" conservatives who worry about such trifles.
The important thing now is not to worry. Remember — worrying is what “fear-stricken” conservatives do. True bravery is affecting near-complete indifference to the prospect of a nuclear-armed, Holocaust-denying radical Islamic state forcing Jews to wear yellow insignia while simultaneously hosing down the front of your pants daily over NSA data mining.
Not Quite Confirmed: Some with good connections in Iran are having difficulty confirming this story.
A Google search gets a lot of stories on this, but it may just be a case of the telephone game, or understandably pissed-off Iranian exiles attempting a little propaganda against a regime that, in a better world, would need no propagadizing against. (In a perfect world, of course, it simply wouldn't exist.)
Thanks to Darwin's Moustache for the google-search link.