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May 17, 2006
Restaurant Name Arouses Passions
"Pink Taco" Fingered For Bad Taste
The name of a new restaurant in Scottsdale is stirring up some trouble. The Las Vegas-based Pink Taco Mexican Restaurant is scheduled to open its second location in downtown Scottsdale in June.
Nearly half a dozen people in the upscale city recently expressed their objection to the name, claiming it's a derogatory slang term for a portion of the female anatomy.
Really? I didn't know. The company claims it doesn't know, either:
Scottsdale Mayor Mary Manross has said she is offended by the name and went so far as to ask the owner to change it, although he refused.
Restaurant spokeswoman Lisa Perez said the company's name comes from one of its menu items.
Other items on the menu include roast-beef salad, "sausage hot-pockets," and -- I'm not even sure I know what these are -- "stankclams."
Thanks to LauraW, who has been banned, but apparently doesn't sprechen de English.