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May 16, 2006
Unbelievable: Not to Be Believed At All: CNN's URL For Pentagon-Video Article Ends In "WagMyDog"... Not
MAJOR CORRECTION: CNN's URL didn't end in "wag my dog." Someone faked a page with the article which had that "wag my dog" at the end.
But it was a hoax, or a joke by a tech-savvy dope.
I've been had, and I passed bad information on to you. I apologize.
Rob and Allah both have updated their posts to reflect this.
Sheesh, that update couldn't have been more poorly timed.
I think Karl Rove is behind this, somehow.
Original post follows.
Soooooo... it's not just the DU moonbats. CNN, too, questions the timing, and suggests, as in the movie Wag the Dog, the video is falsified and/or intended as a distraction from the "real issues."
Remember, though, that the media is far too right-wing and Republican-friendly, as the very brave demigod Steven Colbert tells us.
Gee, Could This Be Related?: Another CNN techie just happens to "accidntally" run Bush's rehearsal on live TV, showing him looking silly (as most people do during rehearsals).
Pretty strong evidence about the political culture at CNN. People know what they can and can't get away with at work. I think the "wag my dog" techie mistook exactly what he could get away with -- CNN will have to discipline him or even fire him to make a pretense of being against such naked political bias -- but it nevertheless demonstrates that the culture at CNN is rabidly anti-Republican.
You couldn't do this in a politically balanced organization. You'd know you'd be read the riot act.
But at CNN, the political bias on-screen is undergirded by an even more rabid political bias backstage, and the constant reinforcement of the core message, with no one objecting, that Bush is Evil and Must Be Brought Low By Any Means Necessary, leads to crap like this.