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May 11, 2006
Ahmadinejad's Letter: An Invitation/Threat To Convert To Islam
Apparently the Koran dictates that enemies be offered the opportunity to convert to Islam. If they refuse, they can then be righteously slaughtered.
JihadWatch read the letter as such an opportunity to convert to Islam and avoid death, and Ahmadinejad's remarks about the letter seem to support that reading.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Thursday that his letter to President George W. Bush did not concern the nuclear dossier, but rather was an invitation to Islam and the prophets culture.
He made the above remarks in reply to a reporter while attending press conference on his letter to President Bush in Jakarta in the afternoon of the third day of his stay in Jakarta.
Stressing that the letter was beyond the nuclear issue, the chief executive said that in principle, the country's nuclear case is not so significant to make him write a letter about it.
"We act according to laws and our activities are quite clear. We are rather intent on solving more fundamental global matters.
"The letter was an invitation to monotheism and justice, which are common to all divine prophets. If the call is responded positively, there will be no more problems to be solved," added the president.
The president said that the letter actually contained a clear message of invitation to human beliefs, adding that its response will determine the future.
Thanks to Little Green Footballs.
Johnny Coldcuts responds to Mahmoud's convert-or-perish letter after the jump.

Dear President Ahmadinejad, Closeted Homo, Esq.,
Thanks so much for the offer, Mahmoud.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to accept
your invitation to convert to crazy,
as I am currently too busy having your
father tongue-bathe my dirty, stinky taint.
I will keep your offer in mind, however,
while your mother tongue-washes my feet.
And then, of course, the taint.
Yours In Christ,
Johnny Coldcuts
PS: Your entire country smells like ass.
PPS: And not that "good ass" smell either, like
you might find on a well-perfumed stripper
before performing her first set, before
she starts to reek of sweat and munge.
No, I mean the really bad kind of ass. Pretty much
your whole country smells like your filthy
homeless-chic beard, fuckface.
PPPS: If you were a tree, and we've nuked
every single goddamned city of over 10,000 people
in Iran, and killed 70% of your population
(another 15% to die in the next two years due to
radiation-caused cancer and starvation)--
what kind of tree would you be?
It's not entirely a hypoethetical question, ratfucker.
Well, the tree part is, but not the part about
wiping your whole shitbag country "off the map."
PPPPS: Your mom is a fucking magician
with the prostate gland.