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Mike, We Hardly Knew Ye »
May 07, 2006
I'm In a Banning Kind of Mood...
Free speech and all that, but there is a point at which a troll becomes tiresome, and makes a blog less enjoyable.
Hey, people come here mostly for fun and to chat and to exchange jokes and such, and having a permanent poop in the punchbowl sort of ruins that.
So, I'm thinking of s-canning Mike. Thoughts?
I'm not going to justify it on grounds of off-topic posting, or abuse, etc. Yeah, he does all that kind of crap, but that kind of justification is for liberals, who can never admit that they're acting in less than perfect angelic accordance with some higher objective standard.
Nah, I'm going to just admit the reason for his banning, if I do ban him, is that he's a dickhead, he's immature, he's tedious, and I really don't like him. I'd be acting out of, get this, self-interest. I want this blog to be fun, and if Mike is just too gratingly stupid to permit fun, then it's in my personal, selfish, mercenary interest to ban him.
Arbitrary. Capricious. Completely subjective. Utterly self-serving.
The way Dick Cheney would want it.
And that's just the f'n' way it is.
Let me know.
I have a feeling I know what the answer will be, so Mike, you might want to start preparing a valedictory.
PS, Mike: I've notified my attorneys already about this legally perilous step I might be taking. They've advised me that you could win millions of dollars against me, based on the punitive damages awarded in Rosenberg v. All the people you represent and work with, but I'm willing to take that chance.