« Unbefrickin'lievable |
Hee, Hee: US Releases Video Showing Zarqawi Unable To Fire Machinegun »
May 04, 2006
Unfrickin'believable II
1. Release the original Star Wars trilogy.
2. Suppress the original Star Wars trilogy on DVD.
3. Finally release the original Star Wars trilogy on DVD after forcing fans to buy the Greedo-shoots-first abortion.
4. Profit.
Be patient; the guy's only sold these videos in 15 different formats and versions already.
He's making 10 million dollars per second.
No, really.
Eventually we'll get a Special Edition of the prequels, where Greedo shoots first, killing every single major character in those awful movies. The "trilogy" will last for only three minutes, but they'll be three graphically-violent minutes, like the last five minutes of The Godfather except with laser-bolts burning through Jar-Jar and Aninkin's occiptal lobes in super-sadistic slo-mo, and they will be the highest grossing DVDs in the history of the entire universe.