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May 03, 2006
James Bond Trailer
There's this thing they've been doing for years now. They keep giving M these silly lines that are supposed to indicate the movie is gritty or hard-edged or "dark" or somewhat realistic. They frequently play these lines in a trailer, to convince saps that this James Bond movie isn't going to be a cartoon.
The lines are always stupid and overdramatic and unrealistic. Would a covert agent's superior really say crap like "This job requires more than a blunt instrument" or "I want you to take your ego out of this"? One would imagine that a real exchange between agent and superior would be more matter-of-fact.
These unforgivably stupid M speeches have the effect opposite of that intended.
And the whole series can't figure out what it wants to be. Is is it a comic-action-adventure romp? Or some darker, more realistic spy series? The movies tend to start off with elements of a darker story and then, an hour in, James Bond is paragliding on an ice-floe as a laser-beam-induced tsunami is swelling up behind him.
Yeah. That's pure John Le Carre, that's what that is.
They should just pick a tone and stick to it. If you're going to be a whore, be a great whore. Don't put on airs.
James Bond's eye color has been variable (Sir Sean has brown eyes, of course) but his hair has always been dark brown or black. Now it's clearly blonde. Or light brown, tending towards blonde. They couldn't darken his hair up?
The only interesting thing in this trailer is the suggestion that this is supposed to be some kind of reboot of the series from James Bond's earliest days. There is a mention that Bond has been promoted; maybe they mean he was just promoted to double-0 status. Which would make sense, sort of, because Casino Royale was the first Bond book and, one presumes, his first big mission as a double-0.
Then again, this series is so creatively exhausted I doubt the film-makers would try something that even verges on interesting.
Apart from that, it's a lot of running around and shooting and generally stupid behavior.