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April 28, 2006
Rosie O'Donnell To Take Over For Meredith Viera On "The Vagina View"
Some say that Rosie O'Donnell reading her "poetry" aloud for an audience of millions is the Key to the Gate of Entropic Death.*
The stars cruelly align; the heavens spin in a sickening spiral; the Outer Dark intrudes into our own world, and Mighty Cthulhu rouses from his slumber of aeons.
If Joy Behar, Barbara Walters, and Rosie O'Donnell ever appear on the same episode, their collective yapping will call forth the destruction of the universe and the end of all life.
Which -- given that we just witnessed the cosmic horror of a team-up of Behar, Walters, and O'Donnell -- would be a glass-is-half-full sort of situation.
Thanks to Chickpea.
* As noted in both the Necronomicon and the Book Scrolls of Skelos.