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April 25, 2006
Mary McCarthy Didn't Leak Specific Information About Secret Prisons?
It's a bit murky. She and her lawyer say she didn't; sources say she didn't... kind of.
She discussed "classified information," though, with the author of the piece about prisons, Dana Priest.
It could be that she's guilty of the "confirmation only" thing that Deep Throat did in All the President's Men. Perhaps she didn't volunteer information (which came from another source), but she did either confirm or deny that information to Priest-- which is still a firable, and prosecutable, offense.
Saying "Yes, that's true" regarding an inquiry about classified information is still a disclosure of the truth of the matter being asked about.
As Tom Maguire noted (cited in Allah's bit), if Priest wanted to clear McCarthy, she could do so. Sure, Priest isn't supposed to reveal sources, but obviously she can reveal non-sources, correct?