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April 24, 2006
A Murder In Belgium Sparks Enormous Protests
What are they protesting? I have no idea. Because the MSM is embargoing information about the vicious thugs who killed the kid over an MP3 player.
You know what that means -- it's those YOUEE's (Youths Of Undetermined Ethnic Extraction) at work again.
Things you can't print in the media:
1) Pictures of Mohammad
2) Pictures or names of followers of Mohammad involved in brutal crimes
and, soon enough:
3) Any news or pictures which have not been pre-approved by clerics of Mohammad as being "Islamic" enough for public dissemination
The risk of random and vicious violence being committed against followers of the Religion of Peace (TM) is so high that we must countennance an awful lot of random and vicious violence being committed by followers of the Religion of Peace (TM), I guess.
Let's tally up the death tolls:
Violence committed BY Muslim thugs: at least 6000 deaths, just since 1998, and tens of thousands of injuries and maimings
Violence committed AGAINST Mulsims by thuggish non-Muslims who are a bit angry at all the violence committed BY Muslims: Not really too many deaths yet, but there are very troubling reports of a Sikh Wa-Wa owner/operator in Parsipanny, New Jersey, getting a "dirty look" from an as of yet unapprehended man wearing a Quiet Riot concert t-shirt and trucker's cap reading "Hunters always eat what they shoot"
So, you know, I do understand the difficult calculus here. It truly is a "cycle of violence" that we must not allow ourselves to feed.
Or, as Ann Coulter once quipped in relating a "fair and balanced" NYT article about violence in Lebannon (approximately): The NYT notes that both sides are prisoners of a political disagreement that neither can escape from. On one hand, Muslim extremists want to kill all non-Muslims. On the other hand, non-Muslims want to not be butchered in the streets. So it's really all just a difference in opinion and cultural norms which requires dialogue and compromise on both parties' parts.
Perhaps the Muslim thugs can agree to not outright murder us, if non-Muslims are willing to accept a few maimings and gang-rapes here and there. The key to resolving conflicts like this is flexibility on each parties' side.
More Muslim Outrage... Over flags of Saudi Arabia and Iran being flown at a German whorehouse, as part of its World Cup promotion.
I can see why they were so angry. We all know that no one from Saudi Arabia ever has anything to do with common whores.
They can afford $2000/night call-girls, after all. And it's offensive and unislamic to suggest otherwise.
Thanks to Darwin's Moustache for that.