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Molegate Roundup »
April 24, 2006
That Says It Just About Right
Christopher Hitchens said on the Hugh Hewitt show recently that he "dislikes" the Republican party but has "contempt" for the Democrats.
More from Mark Steyn on NRO -- including a Trent Lott quote about being sick of hearing from the Porkbusters.
As Steyn says, we know the feeling. We're sick of hearing from Trent F'n' Lott.
Thanks to Traffic Semi-Santa.
Over the past week I've been mulling the possibility and feasibility of boycotting the GOP over their drunken-sailor porkiful spending habits. Let the Dems control Congress for two years, I was thinking (or at least musing); how much harm could they do in two years? It would have the terrific effect of letting the GOP know we're not f'n' kidding on spending and immigration, and that we loyal conservative voters cannot be treated as the Democrats treat black voters.
We're not always there when you need us.
But this latest scandal makes that entire idea seem dangerous. It turns out that a hell of a lot of damage can happen to our national security in two years, and anyone thinking of sitting out the elections is effectively voting for an America too timid to stand up to Al Qaeda or even Vincente Fox.
Still, something must be done.
I suggest a Enemies List of certain Republicans. We keep the list small at first, just the most egregious offenders, as a warning to the rest. Pour encouragement les otres, or however that goes. ("Every once in a while you have to hang a few admirals to encourage the others.")
The Enemies List would be a full blogosphere press on an absolute, full, total boycott on all donations/volunteering to the GOP members on the list. We wouldn't necessarily hold back votes; but we damn sure would make it tougher for these guys to get re-elected.
I think it's about time.
Either they stop with the pork and earmarks and drunken-sailor spending or else. They have a choice between our tax money and our political donation money, but not both, damn it all.
If a few of them lose elections because of this-- well, so be it. We can afford to lose a free-spending Republican here and there without losing control of Congress.
The inaugural entry on the Enemies List is Trent Lott, who richly deserves it.
Let's hit him where it hurts.