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April 20, 2006
Indymedia's Nutjobs And Murder: The Threat Is More Than Hypothetical
A unhinged man and frequent commenter to Indymedia murdered a cop "for the cause" and then bragged about it to his insane cronies.
This is the danger of this sort of crap. They are implicitly and sometimes explicitly encouraging the most delusional members of their community to take what the left used to euphemize as "direct action" against political opponents.
In any population, there are at least one in a thousand members who may be violent, easily provoked to violence, or violently insane. These assholes are encouraging and facilitating such people to go out and kill someone. It's what they all want; there is no other reason to put someone safety in jeopardy if you don't want that safety to actually be jeopardized.
And they're providing the moral support to the eventual killers. Political murderers do not act out of normal personal reasons for committing murder, as most murderers do. They don't kill out of jealousy, feelings of betrayal, to collect on an insurance policy, or that sort of thing.
They kill because they think it will help "the cause" and also because they believe they will receive the adulation of people they respect for committing the murder.
Anyone doing this is morally guilty of solicitation to murder. A prosecutor would have a hard time proving that (though one might try when Indymedia is successful in recruiting, encouraging, and abetting an assassin), but when the first shot rings out, there's a good chance a prosecutor may well try.
And not to continue harping on the counter-threat, because I don't like threats, and I don't like political violence. But rest assured, Indymedia and Democratic Underground political-snuff-film-fans, that the first shot that rings out will not be the last.
You know that "cycle of violence" you twits are endlessly nattering on about? You think that only happens in the middle east?
Violence against a conservative figure, which you are encouraging and facilitating, will of course inspire a more unhinged member of the right to attemp a payback killing.
And when you lose one of your own, you will then be forced to confront your complicity in turning American politics into somewhat more bourgeois version of the Middle Eastern armed political militia regime.
Related: Confederate Yankee also notes that Editor & Publisher's Greg Mitchell seems to be arguing, in a pussyboy fashion, for a "conversation" about the actual overthrow of the Bush regime, through illegal means.
Oh, he doesn't actually say that, but he notes that the legal remedies seem impossible, and yet, of course, something must be done.
What sort of something? Oh, I don't know. Something, though. We can't impeach him, and we certainly can't allow him to remain President for the duration of his term.
Something must be done, though. We need to have a "conversation" about what exactly.
Will no one rid me of this troublesome President?