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April 20, 2006
A Kossack Says He Doesn't Support The Personal-Information-Outing Campaign
To the owner of this blog:
You're a moron if you think the majority of libs as you call them supports this type of behavior.
It's good to know this guy doesn't support this. However, many liberals do. Check Democratic Underground. I'm not linking it because they keep posting her information there, but I can assure you they support this.
And they call themselves Democrats, of course. Not "anarachists/socialists" as the commenter says in his next paragraph.
Update: I just went to the link and found the page was now missing. So the management, perhaps, fearing legal consequences, took the thread down.
What amazes me is that you morons confuse these socialists/anarchists who protest the military on campus with the Democratic Party. Those idiots probably do not vote and when they do vote, they probably vote Green. If you took the time to read all of the posts at one of the top Democrat sites like Daily Kos, you would see that the people in charge dislike Malkin but they will not allow any of her personal info to be posted on that blog. We dislike her politics but we respect her privacy and will not allow it to be violated at Daily Kos.
Not true. At least one of Daily Kos' "diarists" came out full-throatedly in support of the campaign. I read his piece. I'll look through my email and see if I can find the link.
It looks like you're itching for a reason to get violent but let me warn you, not all of us "libs" are against gun control and we will smoke your ass if you attack us.
We're itching to get violent? No asshole. For the entire life of this blog I have strongly counseled against violence or even comments that suggested violence. The trouble is that liberals -- yes, liberals -- are now so unhinged they believe that violence is justified to vindicate their political beliefs.
Over and over we've seen death threats against Republicans. A Florida state Democratic chapter took out an ad recommending the execution of Donald Rumsfield, for example. The left has decided that Bush is so tyrannical that no restraints on civil behavior apply anymore.
No one is "looking for a reason" to get violent with you, jerkweed. But your political fellow-travellers, and you by silently supporting them, are escalating what is intended to be a civil, nonviolent process of political change into one of personal threats and possible personal violence.
Liberals claim to love democracy, but they seem eager to abandon the necessary undergridings of it -- nonviolence, civility and fair play in politics, etc. -- when they're losing.
I may be a worriwort, but it does seem to me that this country is growing near a 1970's-style period of political violence and civil unrest. And yes -- it is liberals and leftists who are provoking this. And, indeed, masturbating themselves over the possibility of this.
You want power back? Win a fucking election, jagoffs. You want to convince the country you're right? Answer your critics with arguments. Stop trying to silence them through scary threats.
Update: Under the headline "Don't stop with Malkin," a certain left-wing site I won't mention is now publishing the "names" and "addresses" of other "right-wing website" owners, encouraging people to "use a map."
I'm on there. Well, I'm not on there. My website is on there, with incorrect information.
So, they're trying.
I seem to remember the liberals being very insistent that organizations which seemed to encourage or facilitate violence against abortion clinics be dealt with criminally and through RICO. Are they also agitating for legal action against these sites too, I wonder?