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April 14, 2006
Update On Sex-Harrassment Librarian: Charges Filed By Gay Men Who Objected To One Supposedly Anti-Gay Book
I assumed it was women filing the charges.
It wasn't.
... Ohio State University (Mansfield) professors J.F. Buckley and Norman Jones are alleging ["sexual orientation harrassment"], in a complaint that they have filed with the University. A conservative OSU reference librarian (Scott Savage) suggested that several books be included in the first-year reading program; one of the books -- The Marketing of Evil by David Kupelian -- is apparently anti-gay.
The professors claim in a formal complaint filed with OSU that this suggestion, and the librarian's arguments in its defense (which were apparently not otherwise anti-gay, not that this should matter), create a "hostile environment" for them based on their sexual orientation. (The complaint has been referred to as a sexual harassment complaint, but it's really a sexual orientation harassment complaint, see the first paragraph on page 2 of the Ohio State harassment policy.)
The university is now investigating the complaints. It's quite sad, I think, that these university professors are responding to offensive ideas not just by arguing against them, but by trying to coercively suppress them (apparently, according to the ADF's letter, with considerable support from their colleagues). I expect that the university will promptly dismiss the complaint, since even under the university's own policy such speech is not prohibited -- among other reasons, the speech wasn't "based on a person's protected status," since the statements weren't about the complainants, and weren't targeted towards the complainants because of their sexual orientation. But it reflects badly on the complainants that the complaint is even being filed.
Links to PDF's of the actual documents involved at Volokh's link.
In related news, gay men around the country are considering filing a "sexual orientation harrassment" charge against these professors, for "perpetuating the vicious stereotype that gay men are sissies who 'tell' on perceived bullies like 8 year old girls."
As my gay friend Ron says, "I love gay men. I hate sissies."
I think there should be a new category of "hate" called "sissymaryphobia," which I wouldn't mind copping to. It's not the same as homophobia-- a lot of homos are pretty damn cool. But sissies like these he-girls...
If you're attracted to other men-- hey, have a party. If I were attracted to men I sure the hell wouldn't be trying to pass as straight. I'd be screwing other guys like it was going out of style. (And really-- can it ever go out of style?)
But just because you're homosexual shouldn't mean you have to be a frigging faggit.
Butch up, nancies. The world's a tough place. It's even tougher if you're a cringing, swooning man-bitch who gets the vapors every time she sees a mouse.