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April 13, 2006
HuffPo Rumor Mill: Chris Matthews May Run For Senator From PA
That's goofy enough. Even goofier is that these unhinged moonbats think Matthews is a diehard conservative and will run as Republican.
Wardrobe Door notes the goofiness of HuffPo commenters:
The Huffington Post is spreading some rumor that Chris Matthews is considering running for the Senate in PA.
The interesting (funny) part is reading the Huffers (via National
Review) reaction to this. They assume that the former Democratic aide
is going to run as a Republican. A poster even pointed out to them
that Matthews worked for Tip O'Neil but they ignored the fact and kept
right on.
Here's some of the reactions:
"Great! Let him run as a Republican, lose, then we won't have to look
at him anymore, either on MSNBC or in the Senate. Because surely even
MsNBC won't run with an admitted partisan hack....hmmmm, not so sure
"Matthews is overbearingly egotistical and would considier running for
the Senate. He is a Republican political hack as previously stated.
All kinds of support would come his way because he is a real
sucker-upper to the Bush criminal class."
But all of that pales in comparision to this comment when someone said
they were boycotting MSNBC because of Matthews loyalty to the GOP:
"If you're boycotting MSNBC then you aren't watching Keith Olbermann
and that's a shame. All the integrity and veracity that Matthews is
lacking, which should make him presidential material, is on Countdown
with Keith Olbermann."