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April 11, 2006
Study: Ugly People Make Bad Parents, Too
It really is sad, but appearance is so damanbly deterministic. Pretty children get more love and attention, and turn into more confident, more centered people. (Unless they're too pretty, in which they turn out to be George Clooney.) Ugly people, through absolutely no fault of their own, are constantly marginalized, denigrated, and alienated, and wind up, often, turning into ill-tempered people.
It's not fair. But it's life.
Ugly people now have another burden. They'll probably be rotten to their own kids.
The next time you see a child wandering lost and alone in the grocery store, sneak a peek at the parents.
New research from the University of Alberta suggests there’s a good chance they’re ugly.
“Unattractive parents are less likely than attractive parents to supervise their children closely,” said Andrew Harrell.
He’s the same social scientist who took a fair bit of heat last year when he presented evidence suggesting parents pay more attention to attractive children.
Now he’s onto new findings bound to stir up further familial feelings.
“The unattractive parents may be ugly because they have had economic difficulties, health problems, diabetes, poor eyesight, psychological and physical hardships that distract them,” Harrell offered as an explanation.
“They have their own personal concerns and they have less time to be attentive to their children,” he added. “They are in such physical and psychological misery they are not there.”
The cycle of violence is bad enough. But the cycle of fugly is worse.
Thanks to Marcus.