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April 05, 2006
DeLay's Going Out, But He Wants To Take Slappy McKinney With Him
Craig says:
DeLay just said on Rush that he's going to file an ethics charge against McKinney. He also flat out said that she's a racist. I understand he said that on Fox this morning, also.
Drudge of course quotes the racist charge prominently:
"Cynthia McKinney is a racist. She has a long history of racism. Everything is racism with her. This is incredible arrogance, and -- that sometimes hits these members of congress, but especially Cynthia McKinney... " -- Tom DeLay
Of course she's a racist. Is there really any question? She's also an anti-Semite. Her father doesn't like J - E - W - S, and has said so, and McKinney has not to my knowlege repudiated her father's anti-Semitism. Further, she was more than happy to take that Sheik's $10 million check with his "stick-it-to-the-damn-Jews" message written in the memo part of the check.
She's not anti-racism; she's anti-White. She hates white people as much as a Klansman hates her. Just as no ill can befall a Klansman without a black, Jew, Mexican, or gay being behind it, nothing bad can ever happen to Cynthia McKinney without a white being responsible. Or a Jew. (Yeah, I know they're white. You know what I mean.)
Racism consists of racial-scapegoating, intense racial solidarity that trumps non-racial considerations such as virtue or sin, and a feeling of racial superiority-- racial moral superiority, in McKinney's case, a moral superiority based only upon the color of her skin (and the color of her enemies' skins).
How on earth is the point even debatable?
If there is a majority of people in this country that stand against racism and for racial good-will -- and sometimes I doubt that -- then it's about time the loudest self-proclaimed anti-racists condemned a virulent racist in their own midst.