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April 03, 2006
Do You Know Who I Am?
Can hardly blame a cop for wanting to see her ID. First of all, she has a new haircut, and it doesn't exactly scream "Congressperson."
Second of all -- she's got the crazy-eyes. Those are eyes that say either "I've been up for six days straight on crack and Nyquil" or "I've just been hypnotized by Thulsa Doom from Conan the Barbarian."
So, you've either got someone jumping out of their skin on drugs, or someone likely to be carrying a snake they can turn into an arrow.
It's a manufactured racial incident, of course. It always astounds me when someone who has either broken the law or otherwise done something wrong (here, attempting to get into the Capitol without proper required ID) claims "racism" as the cause for their troubles. The charge of racism would be a lot more credible if you'd been following the rules and still got hasseled, wouldn't it?
Via Lime Shurbet.