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March 29, 2006
The Immigration Bills
I haven't been following this very closely, because it's just not one of my big interests and also because I expect that, as usual, absolutely no action will be taken to reduce or regularize illegal immigration.
Red State argues that the Senate version of the bill -- the McCain-Kennedy version -- is actually not as bad as many in the blogosphere argue.
Captain's Quarters, on the other hand, thinks it's awful.
The McCain-Kennedy proposal is relatively generous towards illegal immigrants. If we are going to be generous towards them, can we not finally build a real wall -- not a "virtual" one -- to reduce further illegal immigration as well as to regularize it?
I'm tired of hearing that a wall is racist. It's a border, easily and frequently crossed. It is our nation's right and duty to safeguard that border.
A wall will not fix everything. But if a wall can drastically reduce cross-border terrorism in Israel, it can reduce illegal immigration here.
Some of the best compromises come when people finally give in to their opponents, in exchange for equal concessions. Yes, fine, we lured these people in, and our economy would be badly disrupted were we to suddenly kick them out, so some form of a guest-worker program is needed.
But we also need a wall.
Let's do a trade.
Thanks to the Blogometer, which has further reactions.