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March 27, 2006
Pig Poop Provides Petroleum Power?
There's gold in dem darn pig's asses:
We are the first to actually do this,” professor Yuanhui Zhang says proudly of his team’s ability to turn swine manure into crude oil. He’s a bio-environmental engineer at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign who has led the 10-year research project that recently announced a breakthrough in porcine petroleum.
Now the plan is to move from the lab to a full-sized pilot reactor on a farm somewhere Downstate. Zhang predicts the process could get 3.6 gallons of crude oil a day out of each pig. Illinois brings some 7.2 million hogs to market each year and the nationwide industry is about 100-million hogs strong.
Theoretically, the resulting millions of barrels of crude a day could make a significant dent in America’s dependence on non-renewable, and often imported, oil.
Let's see.
Muslims have most of the oil.
Muslims use the oil weapon against us.
Muslims hate pigs, considering them "unclean" because they root in their own feces.
Pig feces can be used to make oil.
I love it when God decides to get funny.