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March 24, 2006
Cheney's Suite Requirments, With Parody
The actual suite requirements, as found in his rider, dug up by the Smoking gun.
The double-secret Cheney hotel suite requirement rider, revealed by Point Five.
Someone said I'm "mailing it in lately," and someone else said I haven't been that funny since I've moved to Boston. Can't argue. It's not that I'm mailing it in so much as I'm in deep blog-funk and I'm just not finding the funny. Cheney's suite requirements? Damnit, I should have been all over that one, but I wasn't. It just didn't occur to me.
Not sure how to fix this. I've been in these funks before and eventually come out. I'm trying to think of funny stuff; it's just not flowing.
Thanks to MacStansbury for the tip.
Although Point Five tipped me too, earlier. It's just a sign of how not-funny I am that I wrote that tip off as having little comedic potential.