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George Clooney Admits He's A Millionaire Celebrity, Too »
March 14, 2006
Clooney Admits He's a Liberal For The Six Billionth Time
Actually, there are parts of this I like.
The fear of been criticized can be paralyzing. Just look at the way so many Democrats caved in the run up to the war. In 2003, a lot of us were saying, where is the link between Saddam and bin Laden? What does Iraq have to do with 9/11? We knew it was bullshit. Which is why it drives me crazy to hear all these Democrats saying, "We were misled." It makes me want to shout, "Fuck you, you weren't misled. You were afraid of being called unpatriotic."
Bottom line: it's not merely our right to question our government, it's our duty. Whatever the consequences. We can't demand freedom of speech then turn around and say, But please don't say bad things about us. You gotta be a grown up and take your hits.
I am a liberal. Fire away.
Hey, I agree with him. The liberals who voted for the Iraq War did so precisely out of the cowardice he names. They never agreed with the war; they just didn't want people to say bad things about them, like "He's against going to war in Iraq."
And Clooney's right-- part of free speech is freedom fior someone else to criticize your speech. Too many liberals seem to want speech without contrary speech-- as if it's chilling their right to dissent for me to exercise my right to dissent.
As he says: You believe in something, admit it, don't hide from it like a pussy. And when the criticism comes, take it like a fucking man, like like a mewling baby.
Of course, it's easier for Clooney to be brave out in Hollywood, which keeps letting him make movies despite never actually making any money. Still, I gotta say, I agree with him.
Liberals, admit you're liberal, cut the shit, and stop the fucking whining.
And oh yeah:
"Fuck you" to the Democrats who claim they were "misled."
Gotta tell ya, the Lanternjawed Lunkhead is making all kinds of sense to me right now.