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March 13, 2006
US Fatality Rate In Iraq Down To Lowest Point In Nearly A Year
...since the media declared a civil war in Iraq.
Let me clarify my previous post. Yes, it was typical Ace pessimism and wobbliness.
But my point was this: If -- if -- there is a full-on civil war, our troops will probably only re-enter the fight with full aggressivenss after the psychpoaths have finished slaughtering each other.
If that's the case, then, I don't know why it would not have been preferrable to simply decapitate the regime, let civil war break out from just after the end of the war, and then have our boys come in when the various sects had gotten their bloodlust out of their systems and were virtually begging for Big Green Daddy to come in and make a peace.
That is all premised on a civil war breaking out. If it doesn't, then we can and should continue to rebuild and restore order.
But if a civil war breaks out, then all of our previous hard work, and combat deaths, would have been more or less in vain. What we sought to prevent would not have been prevented at all, and it would have made more sense to let the bastards fight it out like rabid wolverines in a bag until they had suffered so much death they had become willing to give peace a chance.