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March 11, 2006
Saturnian Moon Shootin' Water Like A Hydrant
In a discovery that scientists term "radical," but unexplained by any another theory, Saturn's frozen moon Enceladus is tapping an underground source of liquid water and shooting it like a geyser into space.
If correct, the finding would push Enceladus to the forefront of scientific campaigns to determine if life exists beyond Earth.
"If we're right, we've just hit the ball right out of the park," Carolyn Porco, head of Cassini's imaging team, said in an interview with Discovery News.
The existence of liquid water, along with a heat source and organic chemicals, are considered essential for the existence life as we know it.
Unfortunately, Enceladus' organic chemicals just agreed to go on a hunting expedition with Dick Cheney.
Scientists hope to examine the remains for traces of potential life.