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March 06, 2006
A Victory for the U.S. Military
No, not on the battlefield, but in the United States Supreme Court, thanks to a unanimous court led by Chief Justice John Roberts.
Details here.
The fact that it also will enrage all manner of leftist college professors and moonbats is icing on the cake. Excuse me while I go have a celebratory cup of coffee.
Update: More, including a link to the opinion, at Michelle Malkin's site.
Ace's Update: I'm glad the Court did not recognize the "Progressive Exemption."
When "progressive" protestors illegally gather and intentionally stop traffic or disobey police or destroy property, they're rarely arrested, and even when they are, they're sentenced to time served (i.e., the few hours or days they're in jail before coming before a judge). And of course no prominent leftist is ever charged for going overseas to make "promises" to world leaders not in the US interest (see Jackson, Jesse, and Carter, Jimmy).
The left has convinced many of our institutions that they are permitted allowances that the rest of us aren't. Because, of course, they're acting according to their "conscience" and assumedly for the public good.
The law makes no such exceptions. Certainly it doesn't make exceptions for only one political persuasion (i.e., liberalism). Can you imagine any college refusing to accept black students -- out of a racist, but sincerely-felt, objection of "conscience" to the races mixing -- and then demanding to still receive federal money?
Of course not. It's just too absurd to contemplate. And yet for years the left has managed something quite similar.

posted by Harry Callahan at
10:56 AM
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