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February 20, 2006
James Bond, Sissymary
Well, not really. Any time a blow hits you hard enough to knock out two teeth you're probably going to feel it.
NEW James Bond Daniel Craig has already failed to make the grade as a tough guy - after a villain knocked out two of his teeth in his FIRST fight scene.
Craig, 37, was in Prague filming the remake of Casino Royale when the stunt went wrong.
As the shaken star staggered backwards clutching his bleeding mouth, cameramen thought it was a brilliant piece of acting.
But they quickly realised the new 007 was really hurt. His injuries were so bad local dentistry experts could not treat him. So Craig's dentist was flown out from London for emergency surgery in the Czech capital Prague.
It was the villain-actor's fault, of course. You, um, are supposed to pull punches when fake-fighting, I'm reliably informed.
Still... Daniel Craig was a nice, educated Yuppie criminal in Layer Cake, but once again the Bond people -- real tightwads; they won't pay anyone points in the profits of a film -- have picked the second (or third) best choice for a role.
Thanks to SWOOD.