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February 12, 2006
Too Funny: Dick Cheney Really Has Been Accused of Man-Hunting
I said that Dick Cheney had shot his hunting buddy because of his love for hunting the ultimate prey, man. Two-second joke.
Jack Straw tips me that some nitwits really believe this. And have been making this allegation for a long time:
In order to truly understand how despicable and repulsive Cheney and his schemes actually are, we must revisit the past before we continue. A CFR member; Cheney was Chief of Staff to Gerald Ford, Secretary of Defense to George Herbert Bush, and Wyoming's only Congressman. There is a hunting lodge near Greybull, Wyoming where Dickie Dearest was obsessed with "A Most Dangerous Game" (human hunting) and addicted to the thrill of the sport of traumatizing his victims while satisfying his sick perversions. Although this "game" was devised to condition military personnel in survival and combat maneuvers, it was used on Cathy O'Brien and other slaves as a means to further conditioning of the mind to the realization there was no place to hide, as well as traumatization for ensuing programming. According to Cathy, this game had numerous variations on the primary theme of being stripped of clothing, turned loose in wilderness areas which were enclosed in secure military fencing, and hunted by men and dogs until caught, raped, and tortured. This is our Vice President! (Editors note - we'd like to make it clear that these allegations are just that, allegations, and are not proven by anything more than testimony).
Not proven, no. But come on-- we all know it's true.
In related news, Cheney's hunting buddy says he doesn't mind the birdshot in the ribs so much, but he'll be happy when he's able to sit down again.