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Iran Demands IAEA Remove Surveillance Cameras and Seals »
February 06, 2006
Make that double-Heh (as in "Heh-heh"):
Dear Muslim Man Complaint Box,
I am a devoted Muslim man living in the heart of the beast. I live within the Jew-cursed border of the state of Jew Jewrsey in Jewmerica and I am very unhappy. The other day I heard an American man say that Islam is not a religion of peace. This is intolerable and doubly so when the laws of America prevent me from cutting out his tongue, setting fire to his house and taking his wife as my own. I demand that something be done about this and also death to Israel.
Read the rest.
H/T: Heh-Meister

posted by John From WuzzaDem at
05:05 PM
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