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February 05, 2006
Contortionist News Network International Anchor Able To Bend Over Backwards And Insert Head Into Ass
From Media Blog on NRO

While interviewing one Abdurahmen Jafar of the Muslim Council of Britain about the whole cartoon "dustup", a CNN International anchor goes out on a limb:
Anchor: It seems that has taken on a life of it's own. I mean you see in some Palestinian territories, for instance, in Gaza, where Europeans are being told to stay indoors, that they're at risk. And it's kind of taken on this dimension, that seems, from the outside, violent.
Hey, how about taking it down a notch, lady? I mean, you threaten a few nations with extermination, torch an embassy or two, and the next thing you know some news desk jockey is suggesting that some people (ignorant outsiders though they might be) might get the idea that you're the violent type.
Be sure to watch the video so you can hear Jafar expressing his fear of Europeans, who he says are "Relearning to hate again."
Jeff G covers the upsurge in political contortionism.
Sobek weighs in with an alternate P-Shop. Bad Sobek!

posted by John From WuzzaDem at
01:49 AM
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