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February 01, 2006
Possible Massive Oil Reserves
...off the coast of Cuba.
This week, American energy executives meet their Cuban counterparts in the first private-sector oil summit between the two countries. Cubans hope to inform the businessmen of their country's oil potential while undermining the embargo, which has often frustrated American corporations.
Well, they've been frustrated by the embargo, and also by Castro's bad habit of repeatedly welcoming foreign businesses, then nationalizing them.
The three-day meeting, which starts Thursday, is sponsored by the U.S.-Cuba Trade Association, along with Valero Energy Corp., the United States' biggest oil refiner, as well as the Louisiana Department of Economic Development and the Texas Port of Corpus Christi, among others.
Oh my.
We do live in interesting times, don't we. I'm just hoping the old bastard drops dead before he sees dollar one of new oil revenues.
From Fark.

posted by Laura. at
09:29 PM
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