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January 26, 2006
Massachusetts Librarians Delay Seizure of Computers Used To Make Terrorist Threat
You know, being a librarian is a pretty boring job, unless you're sexually aroused by the Dewey Decimal System, which I have to imagine that 90% of these cats are, actually.
So it shouldn't be surprising that when they have their little moment in the sun -- their chance to play hero, to grab headlines -- they seize upon it.
It is very annoying, though.
A matter of principle -- and law -- made Newton Free Library's director, Kathy Glick-Weil, insist that FBI agents cool their heels in their pursuit of an alleged terrorist threat.
Glick-Weil said yesterday she had no choice but to prevent the FBI from seizing library computers last week, because they came without a search warrant.
The agents waited until a warrant arrived at 11:30 p.m. -- nearly nine hours after they arrived at the main branch on Homer Street -- before they seized three computers, Glick-Weil said. The agents said they had traced a threat of a terrorist attack against Brandeis University made earlier in the day on Jan. 18 to library publicly used computers.
Kathy Glick-Weil needs to engage in some sort of activity resulting in a rise in oxytocin levels, if you know what I'm sayin'.
Thanks to Bart.