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January 24, 2006
Hewitt Eviscerates Stein
Joel Stein, author of a very silly editorial in the LA times, was interviewed by Hugh Hewitt today. Hewitt sometimes gets to be a bit much, and I think he was wrong about the strength of Harriet Miers as a nominee for the Supreme Court.
But still, the guy can conduct an interview.
HH: But Joel, I'm talking about you. I'm talking about what you honor, and you obviously don't honor military service.
JS: I honor police service. I honor military service. Any...I just think that...
HH: You do honor military service?
JS: Yeah. No, I'm grateful for people that serve in the military.
HH: But you don't support our troops?
JS: I don't...I don't believe in supporting the troops in an action that you don't believe in.
HH: And so, that would be everything I've named thus far. So I guess...did you support and honor the troops in the Pentagon on 9/11?
JS: Sure, yeah.
HH: All right.
JS: All the troops that are here to defend our country, I'm very, very grateful for. I'm grateful for the police...
HH: Provided they don't leave the country?
JS: Yeah, provided they don't fight in wars that I think are endangering them for no reason.
HH: And the moment they do, you stop honoring them?
JS: The moment I do, I think it's a poor idea to show support for them and prolong that engagement.
Poor Joel was out of his element on this one. As traffic non-santa says, read the whole thing. It's enlightening.

posted by Slublog at
11:44 PM
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