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January 23, 2006
AoS Lifestyle Persecuted by NYPD
Riding pantless on the subway should be a right, not a privelege.
Improv Everywhere, the group that organised the stunt, said more than 160 riders participated in the fifth annual No Pants Subway Ride before police stepped in.
Charlie Todd, who founded Improv Everywhere in 2001, said it's not his group's intent to offend.
He said he wants to create scenes of chaos and joy in public places around New York.
I feel a chill wind suppressing free speech across this land.
A chill wind.
Blowing up the backside of law-abiding Americans.
A cold, icy breeze of repression in the nether regions of every upstanding citizen.
Can you feel it?

posted by Laura. at
09:40 PM
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