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January 23, 2006
Mine Safety - Now?
In 1958, when Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia was elected to the Senate for the first time, 358 people were killed in coal mining accidents in the United States. Since that time, the man has become a master at finding federal dollars for projects in his state, but even the New York Times acknowledges he has done little for miners.
For better or worse, coal is ever a prime economic resource for West Virginia - a lodestone for corporations, and still a millstone for too many miners. This has been true through the political ages, right up through the powerful reign of the state's Democratic favorite son, Senator Robert Byrd, who has packed West Virginia with highway projects and other pork-barrel goodies that have somehow failed to securely touch the lives of the long-suffering coal miners.
Now, after two mining accidents in a relatively short period of time, Byrd has decided mine accidents are the
fault of the Bush administration.
I wonder...will Robert Byrd speak out against the mining industry itself, or will the $21,000 a year they give him ensure that he keeps his ire pointed at Bush? (Corrected number)

posted by Slublog at
01:07 PM
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