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January 23, 2006
Yet ANOTHER Election Stolen!
Poor Democrats. They can't win for losing.
NBC canceling 'West Wing' after 7 seasons
I demand a recount! I want to make sure every vote is counted. How do we know that the
evil Diebold voting machines used by the NBC executives who voted to cancel this show actually counted the votes? How do we know that Dick Cheney did not hack into the computer to change the results? You must prove a negative to satisfy my conspiracy bloodlust.
This is horrible. What will Liberals do without their fantasy, alternate reality? Man, talk about harshing their groove.
At least one day a week they could turn the TV on and bask in the glow of the way things SHOULD be, if it wasn't for that damn puppet, ChimpyMcHitlerBurton Bush and his black hearted masters! The cold hand of government repression is upon the TV industry. Dissent is no longer tolerated.
Martin Sheen in '08!
My Bizarre Analogy Update From Dave At Garfield Ridge: Hearing about the cancellation made me think up an analogy this morning: the West Wing was the television equivalent of Andrew Sullivan.
In the beginning, it was must-see/must-read. Even if you didn't agree with everything that was said, you had to admire the craft. The writing was excellent, really whip-smart stuff, and if you lived inside the Beltway, you simply had to tune in.
But then, ratings declined, sweep stunts got introduced (terrorist kidnappings and/or gay marriage obsessions), and both lost their focus. Even attempts to reinvent the formula (presidential campaigns, guest bloggers, moves to Time Magazine) didn't pay off. All attempts at political fairness were swept away as the liberal bias, previously secondary to good writing, moved to the foreground. Nothing could be done to salvage things-- what was once essential viewing/reading became laughably non-essential, a punchline.
And so here we are, where both go away with a whimper. Well, okay, Sullivan's still writing. Or so some people tell me.

posted by WunderKraut at
08:03 AM
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