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January 09, 2006
Short Skirts Don't Mix With High Finance
Really just an excuse to show the picture, but I think a pretty good one.
As part of an experiment, researcher Peter Glick asked a woman to wear a sexy, low-cut blouse with a tight skirt, cardigan, teased hair and lots of makeup. Then he made a set of videos in which she played either a receptionist for a Chicago advertising agency or a senior manager.
The result of the Appleton, Wis., psychology professor's study?
The sexier a woman dresses and the more prominent a position she holds within a company, the more negatively she's perceived.
"If you play up your sexiness and you're in a more powerful position, you're going to get slammed for it as a woman," Glick said.
The survey querried 66 total friggin' homos who are trying to ruin everything for the rest of us.
Come on. You guys already have Paco, the cute mail-boy with the ass like Olga Korbett in her prime. You can't throw us a boner?