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December 21, 2005
Ace of Spades Readers Already Knew All This
From the director/co-writer of Anchorman, over at the Huffington Post:
Does Dick Cheney know he's evil? I mean it. Does he occasionally look up from his breakfast of one hard boiled egg and a plate of heart pills and say to himself, "Man, I'm an evil fuckā€¯?
When you're Dick Cheney, you don't have to say it, man.
You just let your gargantuan boxer-boa do all the talking for you.
Fun Fact: Dick Cheney's cock is third in line for the Presidency. It would take office if the President and Dick Cheney himself were simultaneously killed.
Technically, the Constitution says the Speaker of the House takes the office next, but Dick Cheney's cock has already had a little word with Denny Hastert, and apparently he's "cool" with the changes.
Thanks to Jack Straw.