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Bear Bites Man »
November 25, 2005
Romania Setting Things Aright
This one makes my day.
This fella got the family mountain back, fifty years after it had been stolen from them by the communists.
The property -- which contains several waterfalls, a lot of wildlife and several hunting lodges -- overlooks the castle that belonged in the 15th century to Count Vlad "The Impaler" Tepes, who inspired the Dracula legend.
Anganu-Bancila says he wants to sell the property for about $40 million, but some say that might be a bargain.
Threw that last sentence in there just in case any of you were looking for a nice stocking-stuffer for dear ol' Dad. 'Tis the season.
And you know he doesn't already have one.

posted by Laura. at
08:17 PM
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