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November 25, 2005
When Taxes are Unfair
...people won't pay them.
In the UK, you have to buy a license to view your TV. Naturally tax-evasion is rampant:
One evader told the inspectors: “That’s not a TV, it’s a fish tank.” Equally inventive was the evader in Newport, Gwent, who said: “I never use my set. I just switched on EastEnders to see if it affected my radio reception.”
Another evader in Dunfermline, Fife, offered the tortuous explanation: “I don’t need a TV licence because I only watch Australian soaps and, as far as I’m aware, you don’t need a licence in Australia.”
Total bullcrap.
Property, gasoline, and liquor taxes in the US are bad enough. But this kind of purposeless, petty, nickel-and-diming abuse of the populace is the stuff of Republican nightmares.
UPDATE: Check out this site, apparently Britons aren't the sheep the Beeb would hope they'd be.
Thanks, Cheshire Cat.

posted by Laura. at
08:09 PM
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