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November 22, 2005
Too Precious
In a Dana Milbank "Outlook" piece on the "cottage industry" of media criticism....
The most priceless sentence is this: "Regardless of the merits, the pervasive accusations of bias are making it increasingly difficult for the traditional media to play their role of gathering and reporting facts." Media critics are wrong to criticize, regardless of the merits of their criticism? Well yes, you see, because Milbank believes their nefarious goal is to "steer readers and viewers toward ideologically driven outlets that will confirm their own views and protect them from disagreeable facts."
Unlike, say, Dana Milbank, who's as fair-and-balanced a down-the-line straight shooter as you could imagine. Why, I could never even hope to guess at the man's politics from his writing.
But, you know, gun to my head? I'd guess... John Bircher? No? Maybe a member of the Right to Life Party? Getting colder? Okay, just as a final stab in the dark, I'll guess Stereotypical Eastern Urban McGovernite Left-Liberal.
But honestly, that's just giving it the old college try. Because I swear, the man's political agenda is as much a mystery to me as female genitalia.
Seriously. I'm asking for the last time, ladies: What the hell is going on down there? It's like a foam-latex version of the old Operation game, and I'm always fumbling around and getting the red buzzer.
Quote from Brent Bozell, linked at the Purple Avenger.