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November 13, 2005
Bill Richardson in '08?
There is a rumor going around that a little country to our south called 'New Mexico' is actually one of our 50 States.
I know what you're thinking. That can't be right.
But after spending fourteen grueling hours of fact-checking, I have to conclude that this story appears to be grounded at least partly in fact. Don't hold me to it. Its still shaky.
The leader of that 'State,' or tiny Latin American nation, whichever it may be, is 'Governor' Bill Richardson.
Apparently this guy has signaled his intentions to run for President in our country in 2008:
At the annual Gridiron Dinner in Washington, D.C. -- and later on a trip to New Hampshire, Richardson got a lot of laughs when he made statements in two languages:
"No, I will not run for president," he said in English. Then, switching to Spanish, he added, "Seguro que sÃ, ¡voy a ser candidato!" ("Of course, I will be a candidate!")
In February, Associated Press political reporter Ron Fournier filed a story on possible 2008 contenders that said, "New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has told party leaders he will run."
He's a Democrat, but the tax-cutting kind. He also seems to have half a clue about illegal immigration.
I'm feeling optimistic about 2008.
Hopefully, with Bush leaving office, the evil humor that has robbed Democrats of their senses will finally leave them.
And in the clear morning of sanity, perhaps they won't field a bunch of wacknuts like they did last time. They might even get behind somebody that appeals to most Americans.
Its still three years off. We shall see.
UPDATE: Sheesh you people. I'm not excited about having the guy as my President. I'm simply noting that he appears to have announced, and that he's nothing like the buffoons that stepped forward last time.
He may be bad news, but he's not a lunatic commie glue-sniffer like Kucinich.
Get off my tits.
The last time I saw you retards get this excited, it was because somebody was talking shit about LOTR. Calm down. Put some underwear on your head and have a scooby snack. There, there.

posted by Laura. at
06:46 PM
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