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November 03, 2005
Urban Legend Update: Alligators In the Sewers? Confirmed
Okay, it's not quite an alligator. It's a tegus, but it's plenty scary enough:

Via Fark, a monster reptile in the toilet scares a three-year-old:
The youngster was lucky that his mother had come along to open and raise the toilet seat. The startled woman found a carnivorous teju, or tegus, a large black and yellow South American lizard, lurking there newspaper Bergensavisen reports.
The Akvariet (aquarium) in Bergen was called, and reptile expert Remi Andersen paid a house call. He confirmed that the animal in the apartment in the Nordnes district of Bergen was a 1.5 kilo (3.3 lb) teju.
The teju is capable of holding its breath for half an hour, which probably explains how it managed to navigate its way through the sewer and up into the family toilet. The family is lucky they looked, rather than sat, first.
"The chances are greater that the lizard would have taken a bite out of someone's 'ham', than that it wouldn't have," Akvariet director Kees Ekeli told Bergensavisen.
In a follow-up story, the family has reported the three year old has decided to wear diapers until he's 40.
Actually, I have as well. Because the other day when I was going to the bathroom, this jumped out of the toilet:

He said he just wanted to "borrow some dental floss," but I'm not sure I believe him. There was just something about him that seemed untrustworthy. He had those "shifty balls" that always give liars away.