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November 03, 2005
Wet Hot Mixed-Blood Bitches In Heat!!!
The New York Post tells me today-- on the front page -- that the "puggle," a pug-beagle hybrid, is the new "hot dog" in Manhattan.
Okay, it's kind of cute:

There's also a buggle. (Boston Terrier-Beagle.)
And a dorkie. (Dachshund-Yorkie.)
And of course there are Labradoodles (labradors-poodles), which I've had the pleasure of petting, and which are cute too.
I think people are breeding these mutants just for an excuse to come up with painfully-cutesy names.
All these dogs are nice and all, but... if you want a mutt, why not just get yourself a good old fashioned American mutt? Maybe from the pound, maybe from a neighbor.
"I was increasingly disheartened with breeding German shepherds," said Manners. "These dogs, like other pure breeds of the show world had been bred for looks, and health was largely ignored. German shepherds, for example, are plagued with 89 inherited disorders."
Top winning dogs are often highly inbred—siblings are interbred, and fathers are mated with daughters. The result is a tiny gene pool that is saturated with bad traits.
And thus: mutts are best. But those with money to burn just can't have any mutt; they need a designer mutt.
I like dogs, but... $800 is an awful lot to spend on a mutt that comes with papers. Couldn't that money be spent on something more spiritually satisfying, like a down-payment on a widescreen HDTV?
Pic of Puggle boosted from PuppyParadise.com.
A Man's Hybrid: Cute as they are, the "hot hybrids" seem to be based on the assumption that the only thing wrong with poodles, Yorkies, and terriers is that they're not quite gay enough.
For the men, nothing beats a wolf-dog hybrid. Nice looking animals, and they can fuck any other dog they like up the ass. Not in a gay way. But like a hybrid Viking.