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November 03, 2005
The Excitable One: Having Gay Partner Listed As "Guest" At Dinner Party Equivalent Of Rosa Parks' Being Told To Give Up Seat For A White Man
Truly, it's Selma all over again:
The White House officially regards the Poe-Cheney partnership as no more solid or worthy of recognition than Jenna's latest boyfriend. Here's how the guest list appeared for last night's royal state dinner:
Ms. Mary Cheney
Ms. Heather Poe (Guest)
Miss Jenna Bush
Mr. Henry Hager (Guest)
Married couples need no "(guest)" attached to their spouse's name. It's a trivial slight, of course. But so, from one perspective, is a bus seat.
And from whose perspective would it be a "trivial slight"? Bull Connor's?
Rosa Parks' crusade began over a "trivial slight"? News to me. I know a lot of people who think it was kind of a big deal.
Andrew Sullivan
The Martin Luther King, Jr. of The Digital Age, except with beagles and better-defined glutes.
What a silly bitch.
I don't mean to be cruel, but I think we have to start to ask: Has Andrew Sullivan actually become brain-damaged from all that Ecstacy?