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The Excitable One: Having Gay Partner Listed As "Guest" At Dinner Party Equivalent Of Rosa Parks' Being Told To Give Up Seat For A White Man »
November 03, 2005
Hey, Remember There Are Five People Posting Here Now
When I finally get Web-Diva to answer an email, I'm going to do some minor changes on this site. One of them will be to put a poster's name more prominently up in the post, maybe as a byline under the header.
Until then, the actual writer of a post is just listed in little letters in the dateline under the post. Just wanted to point out that anyone linking a post, or congratulating a writer, should look to see who wrote a post before doing so. I see a lot of "Great Post, Ace!" comments when actually it was Harry, Tanker, Laura, or Dr. Reo doing the actual writing.
I know that's a bit of work, but the cobloggers are doing a great job and ought to get the credit for it. I feel bad for them when their good work is attributed to me, and I imagine it makes their teeth grind.