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September 28, 2005
Australia Beefing Up Anti-Terrorism Laws
This is quite interesting.
New laws allowing terrorist suspects to be detained without charge for two weeks could be extended to three months, with the Government hinting the move might prove necessary.
Three months. No charges.
They're also talking about being able to detain people pre-emptively, or using electronic tags, or barring suspects from going to certain places or talking to certain people for a specified period of time.
"These laws are about people who are about to commit or who are prepared to commit terrorist offences in our country," Mr Keelty said. "They are in no way directed at the Islamic or Muslim community."
They must be talking about those anti-Aborigine folks. Nevermind. Bad post. Clearly I misunderstood what they were talking about.
posted by Laura. at
09:19 PM
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