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September 26, 2005
Good (?) News From Iraq: Sunnis Signing Up To Vote In Large Numbers
70% registration rate in Fallujah.
Powerline sees this as good news. I'm not quite sure. It's good news if Sunnis want to join the political process. If their primary motivation is to scotch the vote on the constitution, however, then they're really only signing up to vote to sabotage the political process.
Yes, voting "no" is their right, and that's also "part of the political process." But many Sunnis seem to think that rule is their right, and they will attempt to undermine any effort to create a permanent government in which they are not made the masters of Iraq for all eternity. I suspect that most Sunnis signing up to vote are only doing so to try to tank the constitution and thereby keep Iraq in a state of chaos and flux, hoping that somehow everyone will agree to put them back in charge.