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September 22, 2005
Lies and the Lying Paul Krugmans Who Tell Them
If you haven't followed the complex mess of Paul Krugman's latest distortions -- followed up by outright lies to cover those errors up, when a correction was demanded -- Don Luskin provides a brief and satisfying recap.
Remember, at the gathering of leftwing moonbats at Atrois' political cuddle party, Paul Krugman was in attendance, and told the leftwing paranoid on-line conspiracy-theorists from whom he gets 90% of his "information"...
I couldn't do what I do without you.
That's the man the New York Times carries as its most influential leftwing columnist.
While the MSM continues to denigrate blogs and other alternative media as "unreliable" and "hopelessly partisan," the New York Times continues to employ a rabid leftwing ideologue and serial fabulist, and its editorial page editor refuses to force him to abide by the Times' clearly-announced rules of factual correction.
Alternative media continues to increase in professionalism and accuracy (well, not this one of course, but there are others I've heard about), and the stuck-on-stupid liberal legacy media continues to sink.
We'll meet somewhere in the middle.