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"Mother Peace" Accuses President of Being "War Criminal" »
September 19, 2005
Hey everybody! Guess what story got the least coverage on the front page of the NY Times today?
That's right, the successful and peaceful, democratic elections in Afghanistan!
Apparently, there wasn't a sufficient amount of violence to make the headlines of the self-confessed liberal standard bearer.
Heck, they didn't even have a shortage of ink this time!
But don't worry! The degenerate subhumans at the BBC have a found a negative way to spin the election. The number of voters wasn't as high as their last election. Aw shucks, I guess we might as well let the Taliban take control again.
The reason why the MSM and their constituency, the liberal Democrats, make me so sick is quite simple. Their hatred of Republicans trumps the truth and reality. If President Bush personally discovered a cure for cancer, they would claim he was a homophobe for not curing AIDS first!
You'll have to excuse me now. After visiting the NYT and BBC sites, I have to wash my hands and clean my cache out.
Ace's Update: The purpl'd finger of political dawn.

posted by Tanker at
12:55 PM
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